ETKO Organic Detergent Standard

Etko Dokümanları
Kontrol ve Sertifikasyon Süreci



It operates to create a “sustainable development” that brings together economic progress, social responsibility and the natural balance of our planet. For this reason, it has created a standard within the concept of a sustainable world by not being indifferent to the developments in the world on Detergent (Domestic Cleaning Products).

In order to bring vitality to sustainable production and consumption processes, the natural and organic detergent sector uses some purposes based on protection and safety principles in all links of the chain, from the production of raw materials to the distribution of finished products.

Operating for a sustainable world, ETKO has set a standard for Natural and Organic Detergent Certification in order to guarantee products that consumers can consume with confidence, with its experience in organic products and sustainable products.

For detailed information and application, you can contact